Become the go-to expert in your industry quickly over the next 6 months with...

More income + impact with our proven high-touch system for purpose-driven entrepreneurs.

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Become the go-to expert in your industry quickly over the next 6 months with...

More income + impact with our proven high-touch system for purpose-driven entrepreneurs.


It took me 7 months to have my first $60K month, a year to hit my first 6-figures, and a little over 2 years to make a million dollars from a business I absolutely adore.

Now, imagine for a moment that you know exactly what your zone of genius is, and all you need to do is to create an offer around that, launch it to an eager audience, and then automate the entire process (so it works on its own).

How would it change your life and business?

Once you know how to ACTIVATE your business

  • You make the kind of money you’ve always wanted to make...
  • ​You feel accomplished, confident and on top of your game every single day...
  • ​You’ve got the freedom to work on your own time, from a place that you love...
  • ​People trust your expertise, can’t stop raving about you and share your work with others...
  • ​You have systems in place saving you your sanity & time and bringing in sales every single day...
  • ​And every time you put a new offer out there, people are excited to buy that too...
  • ​Above all, you’re finally making the kind of impact you’ve always dreamed of making...

These results can be achieved by anyone. No matter what you do, your business experience, or the kind of personality you have.

There are people out there who are running hugely profitable businesses doing what they love – without building an army of team members or a big advertising budget. They just know what their focus is, have a month-by-month plan to execute, and have a support system that keeps propelling them forward.

But if it was that simple…


Many entrepreneurs think that they can build a successful business based on their best educated guesses or mimicking what experts seem to be doing. Little do they know that what they see is only 5% of the overall strategy. The actual work happens behind the scenes.

Others are busy trading their time for money and are scared to transition from one-on-one services to one-to-many model (it’s like leaving the safety of your 9-5 job and move into a different territory). The fear of not being able to replace their income keeps them stuck and playing small.


Come up with an offer idea that you KNOW in your heart your ideal clients need. Work day and night to create that offer; workbooks, videos and the whole shebang.

Then excitedly announce it to the world and expect people to jump at the offer.

Only to find out that your ideal clients have no interest in buying that offer, and your months of work, tons of energy and boat loads of expectations have gone to waste.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people making this mistake. Write some juicy content, blast it on social media and expect money to roll in.

Even if you end up making some money, this way of building a business is not sustainable, neither is it scalable.

This is the reason most entrepreneurs stay in the feast & famine mode… always wondering where their next client is going to come from.


This by far is the most common, expensive, and dangerous mistake entrepreneurs make.

Buy one course, go through a module or two, think to yourself “I already know this” … move on to another expert, buy their course and REPEAT.

In the end, you’re left with a dozen courses on your virtual shelf, collecting cosmic dust and you’re still where you were when you first started.


As an entrepreneur, the single most important thing you need to protect is your TIME…

And you can protect your time only if you have a step-by-step plan to follow. A plan that you know will work no matter what.

…which is created with the help of someone who’s been where you are and has been able to accomplish the results you’re looking to achieve. 


  • Know exactly what your focus for the year would be and have a step-by-step plan to follow
  • ​Know who needs your help the most and the kind of language to use that will make you the ONLY choice
  • ​Know exactly what your ideal clients want to buy instead of creating offers on your best-educated guesses
  • ​Know how to setup a blog that is sure to attract the right traffic because you’ve done the groundwork instead of doing what feels good to you
  • ​Know how to grow an email list that loves hearing from you and buying your offers – even if you’re not a big name in your niche (YET)
  • ​Know how you can make money from an offer that you haven’t even created and then launch it successfully to an eager audience
  • ​And what if you could put all of this work together and turn it into an evergreen system that makes you money with you working only 20-25 hours a week
And when you do this? You have the ability to:









All while making your dreams come true, creating a massive impact
in the world and giving your family the best life possible.


Mom of two, lover of high quality coffee, and a travel junkie.

  • I’ve been able to go from food stamps to millionaire by 34
  • ​In a brand-new industry being a brand-new face (with no prior connections or anything fancy)
  • ​A business that gives me the freedom to live life on my terms – we lived in France, and have travelled to Israel, Senegal, Spain, Italy and other countries!
  • ​While being a present mom, wife and rarely working more than 20 hours/week 
  • ​Serving 7,200 + students and seeing many of them breaking 6 figures in less than a year

And the best part is that this business has allowed me to raise thousands of dollars for charities in Africa, enabled me to start my own nonprofit, Global Mercy Impact and serve people in a bigger and better way.

Back in 2017, when I decided to step into my role as a coach and course creator, I had no idea that I would be filming in Hollywood for Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch. Or, speaking on stages like HeartCore Business Marketing Mastery, She’s Building Her Empire Live, and She’s Unstoppable Live.

I bet when you started your online business, you had the same picture in mind. 

You started your business to have the freedom to make as much money as you want, the freedom to create your own work schedule, the freedom to work from where ever you want, and the freedom to spend quality time with your family without any guilt.

You didn’t expect to be glued to your desk – trading your time for money, stressing over your bank balance, or feeling stuck in a business you don’t want to be in.

Enough with the confusion, overwhelm, and feeling of being stuck!!

It’s time for a transformation – a transformation that your business needs, a transformation that your finances need, a transformation that your health, your family, and above all, YOU, need.

Let me help you break free from the shackles of mediocrity and ACTIVATE
your life and business in the most natural, fun and lucrative way possible.

An intimate group coaching experience for entrepreneurs ready to build
a profitable, sustainable & scalable online business from the ground up 

I’m using the word “program” for a specific reason...
This is NOT an online course.

This is a program in which I will personally walk you and a small group of entrepreneurs through identifying your target market, creating a STAND-OUT digital presence so you can become known as the go-to expert in your industry (and I’ll hold you accountable while we do that so you don’t go off track or feel like a small fish in a big pond).


1. You WON’T be watching module after module of training videos – feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

2. You WON’T feel alone or ignored because of my personal accountability and the inspiring community.

In ACTIVATE, you will be 100% focused on doing, and you won’t be able to hide as it’s going to be a small group.

[One where I’ll know all of you by name, I’ll be deeply familiar with your business, and the goals you’re looking to achieve]


  6 Modules with Training Videos, Workbooks & Checklists

  Live In-Person Retreat for ACTIVATE Members 

  Tri-Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Head Coach Rachel Ngom

  2 Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Our ACTIVATE Coaches

  Tech, SEO, and WordPress Support from Our Resident Experts

  Kick-Off Goal Setting Workshop 

  Members Only Private Facebook Community

  [Bonus] Personal Mindset Coaching

  [Bonus] Copy That Converts (Workshop with Merel Kriegsman)

(This is an application only program with limited seats)

Right after you apply, you will be able to book a call with one of our coaches who will analyze where you are right now, get clarity on your goals & vision, and see if you’re the right fit for Activate.


  • You are no longer stuck
  • ​There’s no confusion or self-doubt
  • ​There’s no chasing around money
  • ​There’s no waiting for things to fall into place
  • ​There’s no fear, reluctance or overwhelm


  • Be unquestionably clear about your business
  • ​Be unapologetically confident
  • ​Write magnetizing content
  • Attract the masses
  • ​Captivate people
  • ​Convert with ease


“It's so much more than saying yes to a program, you are saying yes to a new life” 
“I finally found the connection and support that I need to get my business up and running”
“Do it! Join us and get ready for everything to change”
“Activate has given my business clarity, focus and direction”
“I'm in a completely different spot in my business
making passive revenue.”
“I've got total clarity, I'm aligned and I can see where I need to go for next year.”

"I'm so blessed to have been part of Activate."

 "Rachel is amazing. I showed up twice, always caught the replays and my kid broke his leg the same week Activate started.
To say the struggle was real was an understatement! But looking back, I’m so blessed to have been a part of Activate. I went from so many empty time-wasting phone calls to monetizing those phone calls and adding even more income with group coaching calls.
Seriously. I am making an extra $600 a month for four hours of work just by adding the group coaching calls. Activate is a no brainer for me, when asked if I recommend Activate I have to give it a hard yes!
There’s so much room for growth, but one messy action after another goes so far! Don’t be stuck anymore. If you are struggling, Activate could change your life over the course of a few months.
If you’re worried about the money, Rachel will show you how to make it all back times 10! Take the leap, fill out the application, beg Rachel to work with you, show up, be consistent and watch what happens in your life."
- Cass DeJaynes
“A million ‘aha’ moments”

“She’s opened my eyes to things that I didn’t even know
I was capable of”

It’s carefully broken down into 6 phases. 

It’s a complete, proven system to grow your audience from scratch,
become the go-to expert in your niche, and automate your income to serve on a bigger level. 


The #1 thing stopping you from fully leveraging your potential, dominating your market and growing your business is your mindset. This groundwork will help you flip the switch to think big, grow big, and GO BIG!

  • Work on your subconscious programming and find out what exactly has been holding you back from achieving the success you desire.
  • ​Learn to let go of snarky little self-limiting beliefs, self-imposed boundaries, and self-destructive habits, so you can step into a NEW confident you, take charge and lead with grace.
  • ​Learn how leaders develop a success mindset and use the same techniques to keep yourself focused, energized and motivated every single day.

This module will help you get grounded in your brilliance, feel confident to show up as an expert, and develop the mindset of a successful entrepreneur. ACTIVATE is all about learning, implementing and optimizing, which is only possible when you’re in the right frame of mind.


The most effective way to stand out in a crowded marketplace, captivate a cold audience and convert it into excited customers is positioning. When you’re strategically positioned, you’re able to beat even years old competition.

This phase is all about creating an air-tight plan and strengthen your business foundations, so your business is well-positioned and built on solid ground, NOT quicksand.

  • Use our Nail Your Niche Blueprint to uncover your strengths, find your focus, and create a personalized profit plan for you
  • Discover the hidden details about your market through my deep market research process and find out what excites them, drives them and incites quick action
  • You’ll set up a killer blog (your virtual real estate) with my help – a one-of-its-kind blog that will attract targeted, ultra-specific traffic
  • The next very important step will be to help you grow your audience. Whether you already have a small audience or you’re starting from scratch, in this phase, you’ll have a proven, working system in place to attract, compel and convert strangers into fans
  • I’ll also share with you 10+ ways I’ve been able to scale my email list to over 20,000 in less than a year and how you can do it too

Module 1 is all about letting go of what’s not been serving you, and design & develop a new way of doing things. You'll have clarity on who your business serves, how you serve them, and a system in place to attract just the right kind of people. 


After creating a rock-solid business foundation (with just the right pillars), our next goal will be to help put you on the map and get people to recognize you as the GO-TO expert in your niche. Through my battle-tested strategies, we’ll be taking your Know, Like & Trust factor to a whole new level and help you magnetize the people you’re meant to serve and impact.

  • You’ll be able to create a social media presence so irresistible that it captures instant attention and lets your visitors know how you are the next best thing ready to happen to them
  • You’ll also learn the art of creating content that turns heads and compels people to notice you, trust you and remember you (the reason they’ll keep coming back!)
  • By implementing my 3-step framework to create epic blog content, you’ll be able to develop a unique blog style that will set you apart and get people addicted to your work
  • ​Can’t stay consistent? Well, now you will! I’ll help you create your content + blogging schedule so you can stay on track and your content comes out like clockwork
  • Using my unique methodology, you’ll be able to identify the best source of traffic for your business and learn to boost it without having a huge advertising budget

Module 2 is all about getting yourself out there, creating magnetizing content consistently and establishing yourself as the go-to expert in your niche.


We’ll help you create your first funnel, which is essentially a way to sell your offer easily.

There are several elements of a high-converting funnel that we will help you with: The landing page, upsell page, thank you page, and follow-up emails. Because if an ingredient here is missing, it’s gonna be hard to sell your thing effectively.

With our high converting funnel framework, you’ll know the secrets to getting new leads into your world, and then convert them into paying clients.

  • ​Master the art of passive income and how to reduce your work hours down to just 3-4 hours a day and make the kind of income that will sustain a comfortable lifestyle for you and your family
  • ​Have systems in place where you aren’t trading time for money, are able to be a great mom and have a great business, and can enjoy location independence


It's time to reach a wider audience, grow your brand, and increase your revenue!

In this module, you’ll learn how to leverage media and publicity to grow your audience and increase your visibility. You’ll discover the power of PR and how it can skyrocket your business in a matter of weeks. You'll learn how to get featured in publications, podcasts, and summits and how to create a buzz around your brand.

  • ​Build relationships with others in your industry and get featured in their content.
  • ​Nail down a system for getting others to say YES to being on your podcast or Live on social media so you can tap into their audience and build a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • ​The secrets of finding opportunitites for getting booked on podcasts, TV shows, and other media outlets and how to use these opportunities to grow your audience and your business.
  • ​Steps to setting up your Podcast ASAP, without any fancy tech or learning new skills.
  • ​How to create a media kit that showcases your brand and makes it irresistible to journalists and media outlets.


Most people make selling super awkward and it leads to crickets. If selling feels slimy to you, you won’t have confidence in putting your offer out there, and you won’t make any money.

We’ll teach you our 5-step selling staircase so you can sell your offer with confidence. If you learn how to sell, you’ll never go hungry. Our goal is to teach you how to be a master so you can easily close $10K, 20K, 30K or more offers.

This is where rubber meets the road. After you’ve magnetized your ideal clients, it’s time to take things up a notch and give your audience something they can’t say NO to. Yes! I’m talking about creating and launching an offer here – a profitable, scalable, result-driven offer!

  • From coming up with an offer idea that excites you to the core to validating the offer through smart pre-selling, you’ll be able to finally monetize your expertise without laboring over a never-ending to-do list
  • You’ll learn to distinguish your offer from other similar others in the market and create a proprietary framework to make it result-driven
  • Get behind-the-scenes-knowledge of how influencers and big names in the digital space leverage media in the pre-launch phase, and the low-risk, high-profit activities that you can implement to make your launch a success; even if you have a tiny audience, a tiny budget or a tiny circle of connections
  • ​And most importantly, you’ll learn + execute a launch through my proven + tried & tested launch framework (Do you hear the cha-ching already? I sure do!).

All in all, this module is all about planning your offer, pre-selling it for validation and quick cash injection, and then gearing up for a launch that will be a turning point in your business.


If you don’t know how to lead yourself to take action and to lead others to follow through, you’ll stay stagnant.

This is a VITAL skill that you need to continuously learn and develop.

But that's not all. The transformative power of this module goes beyond just business success. By developing better habits and consistently taking action, you'll experience exponential growth in your confidence and see positive changes in all areas of your life. Get ready to unleash your full potential and become the leader you were meant to be.

By the end of this module, you'll be equipped with the tools you need to take your leadership and marketing skills to the next level.

Don’t know what kind of offer to create? No list? Not a techie? No problem!

Activate is designed to meet you where you are in your entrepreneurial journey. You’ll be guided and provided with everything you need to create a profitable business within 6 months!


  6 Modules with Training Videos, Workbooks & Checklists

  Live In-Person Retreat for ACTIVATE Members 

  Tri-Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Head Coach Rachel Ngom

  2 Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Our ACTIVATE Coaches

  Tech, SEO, and WordPress Support from Our Resident Experts

  Kick-Off Goal Setting Workshop 

  Members Only Private Facebook Community

  [Bonus] Personal Mindset Coaching

  [Bonus] Copy That Converts (Workshop with Merel Kriegsman)

(This is an application only program with limited seats)

Right after you apply, you will be able to book a call with one of our coaches who will analyze where you are right now, get clarity on your goals & vision, and see if you’re the right fit for Activate.


A one-of-a-kind experience to not only meet me but your other fellow ACTIVATE members. We’re talking networking, growing, sharing and learning from others’ experiences, and fun!

 VALUE: $2,997


This is where you’ll have direct access to me – face-to-face. No space for hiding, no feeling alone or ignored. We all will get on a 60-minute coaching call every 10 days where I’ll be sharing my top business strategies, giving you specific instructions, and getting you on a hot-seat to answer your burning questions.

 VALUE: $1,997


What really sets ACTIVATE apart is the amount of support you get from our in-house team of coaches!  You'll get undivided attention on your business every single month for 6 months straight! Talk about individualized attention, focus and accountability!

 VALUE: $1,997


Learn from the best in their fields! ACTIVATE apart from myself, includes expert coaches who will help you with Business Strategy, Tech, Paid Marketing, SEO, and more, so you can benefit from a wider pool of experience & expertise and fast-track your results. The coaches are here to answer all your questions and give you an unfair advantage over your competition.

 VALUE: $2,997


It's truly the mindset issues that hold so many of us back. That's why I'll personally be in your head on a consistent basis via the Telegram app for daily mindset work. 



Whether it’s a temporary breakdown or you feel stuck, need feedback on your work or have a win to share, the private Facebook community is your one stop for support, feedback and encouragement from me, other coaches and your fellow members. There’s something about a group of high-achievers uniting for the same cause – to create more, make more, and impact more. 


"My 3rd month working with Rachel I did over $11,000!"


COPY THAT CONVERTS (Workshop with Merel Kriegsman)

Merel Kriegsman, a Conversion Copywriter has written business owners all the way to their first 6-figure launch, doubling their email list from 6k to 12k in less than 2 weeks, and making bank with sales pages converting at a whopping 14.8%.  And in this exclusive workshop, she's teaching you how to create your own high-converting copy!




Being the girl who’s been monetizing the online world long before it was a common thing and has earned over a million dollars online, I know a thing or two about what it takes to attract the masses (even if nobody knows you yet), serve them in the most impactful way, and grow your income.

I’ve also helped my clients activate their lives and businesses, and if you choose to join me on this  transformative journey, I can help you too.

As a Head Coach of Activate, I’ll personally lead our 3-group coaching calls every month. You’ll get my undivided attention, personal feedback and hot seats to get my eyes on your business.

I’ll also be in our private Facebook group 5 days a week to answer your questions and make sure you’re on track to hit your goals. We don’t take success lightly in Activate.



Candice is a Experience Strategist who places experience at the center of everything she does. She founded her first company in 2019, and after a highly successful run in corporate that spanned well over a decade and included roles in Business Development, special initiatives, client experience, and operations, Candice made the transition to working for an entrepreneurial startup in 2021. Pulling on the vastness of her corporate experience, she thrives in serving businesses that have a great need for client experience and operations support but lack the budget for a big time consulting firm.

Candice specializes in process improvement, and data driven client experience and retention strategy that enables businesses to increase revenue from their existing client base. As the Director of Client Experience in Activate, Candice will bring her diverse background in the profit and not-for-profit sectors to support you in the growth of your business.


Katerina Kormas

Dani is an online fashion boutique owner & coach.

She helps entrepreneurs ditch the never-ending to-do-list for easy systems & routines so they can spend more time with their family without being glued to their phone.

The words hustle and grind are used way too often as if it’s the only way in the direct sales & network marketing industry.

She's on a mission to prove that the more easy systems & routines that they implement in their business, the more freedom they'll get back in their life!



Tina is a business owner with ADHD. She helps fellow easily distracted female business owners that are struggling to find their brand voice and target audiences generate revenue. 
She's found that only about 20% of what she was exposed to was actually beneficial to her. More importantly, it was the only amount consumable for her. She decided to take control and focused on only the pieces that suited her needs and created her own system. 

It worked. With this knowledge, she was able to put together an easily consumable program that resolved the overwhelm, guided her focus and mindset, clarifying my branding.
Her mission is to help easily distracted women make their entrepreneurial dreams come true. 



Dani is an online fashion boutique owner & coach.

She helps entrepreneurs ditch the never-ending to-do-list for easy systems & routines so they can spend more time with their family without being glued to their phone.

The words hustle and grind are used way too often as if it’s the only way in the direct sales & network marketing industry.

She's on a mission to prove that the more easy systems & routines that they implement in their business, the more freedom they'll get back in their life!


Stephanie Ferrara

After 20 years in corporate project management, Stephanie's life was changed when she was mauled by a dog in the spring of 2017. 
After 7 months of recovery, she emerged with a new view of who she is as a person and the gifts God gave her to serve others. It was the catalyst for launching her coaching business where she now uses her project management and counseling skills to guide women as they create online courses and group coaching programs.


Melissa Fougere

Melissa is a business owner, executive leader in corporate 9-5, Activate Alumni and Coach, and a Bonus Mom!

She has a combined 25+ year background in retail, social work and disaster and emergency management. 

A couple of her zones of genius include: taking complex situations and breaking them down into manageable activities for success, making friends and doing business wherever she is or wherever she goes (her best business opportunities come from airport security lines) and using data to tell the story of your business and what you should stop doing, start doing and continue doing to serve your audience.



Tasha is a spirit-led Mentor, Strategist and Business Owner. She believes that in life and business, we are in need of being pointed back to Godly wisdom.

She is passionate about being able to partner with entrepreneurs who want to grow their business and their relationship with God simultaneously. 

As Founder of Tech With Tasha, she leads a team of creatives that help Kingdom minded entrepreneurs brand, build and launch their business, service or program.



Based on her personal success with her food blog, Sharon McCaskill now helps entrepreneurs with keyword research to create blog posts that strategically harness the power of SEO to boost their traffic and secure their ideal audience at!



In 2017, after losing her mom to a brutal battle with breast cancer, Emily founded E.B. Design Agency because she knew that she wanted MORE in life. She decided to stop waiting for her life to happen, and created it herself, and wants to help others do the same. Since then, Emily has helped hundreds of business owners in Web Design and Marketing Strategies. In short, she helps clients get to the SOUL of their business so they can better market their products or services online. Her customized roadmaps align clients with their business foundations and purpose, which then help create more sales.

In Activate, Emily holds space for anyone who needs help with their WordPress sites. Her primary objective is making sure their questions are answered while also providing a short presentation about key WordPress topics like plugins, tutorials, updates, backing up and more.



Arijana Ilibasic, Founder of Scale & Simplify and an Online Business Manager, is a tech and systems expert. After spending 5+ years in the field, she knows tech from the inside out. Arijana has the magical ability to simplify even the complex systems and turn tech nightmares into a fun, doable experience.

As a Tech Expert in Activate, she will be there for you every step of the way and help you create a cohesive and manageable digital presence. Don’t know how to set up a blog? Having trouble integrating an email sequence? Not sure how to set up a payment gateway? Arijana has got you covered.

Having a tech expert by your side will help you stay in flow, operate your business successfully and focus on scaling your income + impact (instead of the tech nitty-gritty). 


  6 Modules with Training Videos, Workbooks & Checklists

  Live In-Person Retreat for ACTIVATE Members 

  Tri-Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Head Coach Rachel Ngom

  2 Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Our ACTIVATE Coaches

  Tech, SEO, and WordPress Support from Our Resident Experts

  Kick-Off Goal Setting Workshop 

  Members Only Private Facebook Community

  [Bonus] Personal Mindset Coaching

  [Bonus] Copy That Converts (Workshop with Merel Kriegsman)

(This is an application only program with limited seats)

Right after you apply, you will be able to book a call with one of our coaches who will analyze where you are right now, get clarity on your goals & vision, and see if you’re the right fit for Activate.


This is important, so listen! As much as I want to help everyone make more (while making MORE for myself too), it’s simply not possible. Letting everyone join ACTIVATE would not be the best use of my time and my resources.

PLUS! It feels out of integrity to let 100s of people join your coaching program and then letting them down (not to mention, you, as a host, burn yourself out and long for breathing space). Trust me, I’ve been in such programs and it sucked. BIG TIME.

That’s why I've chosen to make ACTIVATE an application only program with very limited seats available. I want to be very careful about who I let in the program. There’s no place for info-hoarders, time-wasters, or silent stalkers. I want this group to be small, cozy and interactive, where we’re all one happy fam, working towards one BIG goal of building & growing a profitable and impactful business.

Is this something you have been
LONGING for in your life and business?


Do you crave more intimacy, more connection and personalized attention? Let’s bring PLAY into PURPOSE and amp up your PROFITS with ease.

Join me and your fellow members to analyze, strategize and optimize your business to give you MASSIVE momentum.

Imagine meeting with me and all your fellow members (OMG! I’m SO excited!). Dude, can you hear the laughter already? Masterminding, wine drinking (let’s be real), and growing with people who just GET you. They know who you are, the dreams stirring in your heart, and where you’re headed in life. #nextlevelsuccess

Expect intensive hot seats where we’ll be diving deep into your business, powerful coaching sessions led by ME, and personalized Pinterest, blog posts and funnel reviews.

The tools Rachel has taught in the Impact Blogging Academy have been INSTRUMENTAL for me in building my business. 

 Since applying everything she's taught me from market research, to effect keyword use in my blogs, to email lists, to nurturing my list, running an effective free challenge to launch my course, has all led me to have massive success with my first fully independent online course. 

By applying her tools I made $7K my first launch with my free 5 day challenge, and $4K with my 1.5 hour workshops, and now had my first major launch making $5,000 in a day!

If it wasn't for this step by step system, I have no clue where I'd be… I have clarity, a huge vision, and am most importantly, impacting SO many more women than I could've purely through 1:1 coaching.

 I'm forever grateful and cannot recommend this course ENOUGH!!!
Megan Yelaney Bayen
"I was able to leave my corporate job, I now work 100% for myself, my list grows every day, my Facebook Group grows every day, my revenue grows all the time. Without Activate, it would not have happened!"
"My website is getting traffic."
"I started with nothing. Tons of messy action which was SUPER hard for this perfectionist. Now I have a website. Granted I'm still all over the place with my blog posts, but at least there's something there.

My Pinterest monthly views say 23k but analytics show 51k. Started at 246.

My website is getting traffic. About 25 + visits per day and that number is steadily growing. Now to really figure out how to keep people there and work email automation."

- Cori Tardif, Student
"She definitely over-delivers and has a true heart of helping people accomplish their goals."
" I love Rachel!! She is so amazing!!! Her programs are no joke. There is a lot of work to do but her training's are short and to the point. Her zooms are incredible!!!

She does her best to help everyone and get everyone's questions answered. I love how she is so willing to cater the entire program and zooms to all of us that are investing without time and money. 

She definitely over-delivers and has a true heart of helping people accomplish their goals. If you are on the fence and aren't sure if this is the right program for you I encourage you to catch her webinar today!!! She is so clear about who is meant to work with her and who isn't. I love being a part of her tribe!!!"

- Dena Adams, Student
"I'm so motivated right now it's not even funny!"
"Oh my gosh, I am SO inspired y'all.

I decided to pay in full for this course for a lot of reasons, but one of them was that I KNEW that if I dropped nearly a GRAND on a course all at once, that I was going to be IN. ALL IN. And I so am. But the other reason I paid in full was 10000000% the make that $1000 in 30 days workshop bonus.

So, I couldn't be on the call live, which I was SO bummed about (but I would feel SO disingenuous if I was on the call while also on the clock), but as soon as I got the email with the slides, I flipped through them on my lunch break. At the same time, I was working on one of my upcoming blog posts, which I noticed was...getting a little long. One of Rachel's options jumped out at me, and I couldn't wait to get home and watch the recording.

And then it SO hit me. I'm going to turn that super long blog post (almost 2000 words and getting longer) into a freebie about how I go from idea in my head to blog post FULL of content (speaking of content, I'm totally going to be writing a post soon about getting inspired for blogging while in the shower). And then once they subscribe, they'll get the opportunity to purchase the step-by-step ebook AND a video from me ALL about what you need to have to have a successful blogging mindset.

I am SO excited to start working on this (after tomorrow and Saturday, because I will be down at Arizona State scoring the Sun Devils SIX-MATCH volleyball tournament). My best friend just started her blog too (about living with chronic illness), so I know I have the PERFECT guinea pig.

Thanks again for providing us with such AMAZEBALLS content Rachel Henderson Ngom! I am so motivated right now it's not even funny!"

- Kathryn Roberts, Student
“Before I started Activate I didn't have much clarity in my business and wasn't entirely sure where I was going”
"You are going to grow your business and things are going to happen that you never imagined"
"I have a new tribe of like-minded, entrepreneurial women."
" I just finished going through IBA as a student with Rachel and just wanted to encourage each and every one of you to sign up for either IBA or Activate! There truly is no one better or greater to work with than Rachel!

Let me tell you a little bit about my experience and results.

1. I have learned SO much through IBA: I niched down for the first time ever (despite having been through multiple trainings and webinars in the past claiming to do the same thing)

2. I've found the one thing I'm most passionate about, and my people are coming to me as a result of it (I had zero people before)

3. I have confidence, clarity, and a positive mindset about the future of my business

4. I have a new website (in the works) that is authentically me and that I'm proud of

5. I have made back the investment I made in IBA by pre-selling the Beta version of my new course

6. I have a new tribe of like-minded, entrepreneurial women through the IBA community who are the most supportive group I could hope to be a part of

7. And probably most importantly, for the first time since entering the world of entrepreneurism, I have a purpose and a mission behind my business that is real and authentic to me, and that I can already see helping others, even at this early stage.

I am SO thankful to Rachel for creating this space, and IBA, and for sharing her knowledge and passions with us in such a genuine way. I can't wait to keep working with here in Activate, and hope you all will join me!!"

- Andrea Miyares, Student
"I have had an 'Ah Ha' moment with literally every video!"
"Whether you're just starting out or you've had your blog for a while but feel like there's something missing, Rachel breaks down all the steps so they are easy to understand and execute. I have had an "Ah Ha" moment with literally every video!"

- Natalie Ihde, Student
"Since joining Activate, I could increase my revenue to 5 figures"
I was struggling with growing my business, seeing the impact that I could create, focusing on serving, creating a passive income.
Since joining Activate, I could increase my revenue to 5 figures,  started to see the value I could bring on the  people's life, being able to focus on how I could serve more rather than what mistakes I made, having tones of ideas and a very clear strategy to create different income streams.

Thank you Rachel for creating an awesome program with the awesome coaches!

- Petek Tatli, Student
“Now I have a crystal clear idea of who I'm serving and how I can help them.”
"I know what I’m going to do when I leave from here and how to monetize my business."
"I have something in place that is 100% bringing me the revenue and has the opportunity to scale (and it's scaling!) in a very short amount of time"
"I got together with Rachel and within 30 minutes we did what I struggled to do for 2 years"

"Since working with Rachel I have systems in place, funnels, I know what I'm doing, I'm confident and I'm growing!"
"Since working with Rachel I have resources, a path that I can take [...] and I now have my ideal clients"

Because unlike many group coaching programs out there, it offers an intimate experience with laser focus on you, your business and your growth. You won’t find this level of attention from me + our expert coaches anywhere else.


  • A place to turn your fears, doubts, and second-guessing into confident, aligned decisions
  • ​A safe space for you to open up, brainstorm and create a plan to keep your specific goals, personality and lifestyle in mind
  • ​An incubator that will encourage you to take FAST action, analyze, optimize and GROW!
  • ​There won’t be any hit or miss, and there will be absolutely NO place for perfection or procrastination


  • A run of the mill group coaching program
  • ​A pre-recorded, take-it-or-leave-it basic business building course
  • ​A place where you will be left to figure things out on your own
  • ​A place where you can just silently exist without taking any action

It’s an intimate group coaching experience and an action incubator where you will have me and other expert coaches to help you create a plan, execute it and then double the results with automation and evergreen systems.

I know you are meant for bigger things in life and
you’re so ready to make serious moves in your business. 
There’s just one thing stopping you…

You are stuck with too many ideas, don't have an exact plan to follow and you lack the accountability to take consistent action.

If you’re a mom who wants to make the next year her best year yet, build a killer business and also have a fantastic life (one that gives you time freedom, travel freedom, and the freedom to change lives)– then ACTIVATE is for you!

Q1: Be honest with me, why do I need ACTIVATE for my business?
Alright, I’ll give it to you straight.

Do any of these sound like you?

        You have great ideas but can never seem to get them implemented
        You seem to randomly go from one strategy to the other in the hopes to find the missing link
      ●  You find it hard to create valuable content + wonder how on earth would that content ramp up your sales?

Listen up! You have a dream of building a highly profitable business – one that helps you live a comfortable life, make an impact in the world, travel places you never thought possible and so much more.

One way is to buy different courses, learn various strategies, and try to implement them all to see what works and what doesn’t (only if you’re motivated enough to take action on your own). You’ll hit every bump in the road, have no one to turn to for feedback and guidance, and spend years to get where you want to be.

Or, you can avoid SO much of that (I’m not a miracle worker, you’ll still have bad days, but you won’t be alone) and fast-track your success timeline with core business strategies that will put you on the map.
Q2: I’m pretty new to this whole online business thing, is this STILL going to help me?
In one word? YES!

Listen, this program is designed to help you go from an idea to a full-blown business. It’s a 6-month all-inclusive solution that will help you start, grow and scale your business.

I’ll personally guide you every step of the way in a small community of people who understand you, and will be there to uplift you. Together we rise!
Q3. I’m already making a decent income online. Will the program help me grow it?
You bet it will! The first few modules will help you strengthen your business base and plug the leaky holes. You’ll then get access to tried & tested advanced knowledge to scale your existing business.

Also, when you choose to join ACTIVATE, you get direct access to me on bi-monthly coaching calls + in our private FB community. I’ll see where you are in business and give you strategies accordingly – the ones you absolutely need to move forward at an accelerated pace. You WON’T be sitting alone at your desk, watching training modules, and hoping to make sense of it all. Instead, you’ll have me as your business coach.
Q5: Okay… but what if I don’t see any value in what you’re teaching?
I believe that I’ve explained everything is great detail for you to know what EXACTLY you’re going to get from this program.

But if you still feel that this isn’t something which will help you grow your business; I don’t want you to apply. Because this is not a “try this and back out a month or 2 later” program. If your application gets approved, you make the commitment for 6-months. No exceptions.
Q6: What’s the after-purchase process? 
I’ll send you a welcome email with the nitty-gritty, membership access, private community and the whole shebang + you’ll receive your payment receipt.
Q7: Will I have immediate access to all the training material or is it released on weekly basis?
The 6 modules will be there for you right away, but ACTIVATE is more than that! It’s 6 months of hands-on coaching, support, feedback that makes it a game changer.
Q8: Will I get 1-on-1 access to you?
You’ll have 24/7 direct access to me in the Facebook Community + on our monthly group coaching calls. This is NEXT LEVEL support, attention and accountability that one can ask for!

Point being, you won't be left alone to figure things out on your own or to disappear in a sea of students. You’ll be seen, heard and supported every single day throughout our 6 months together.

However, if you’re asking about personalized 1-on-1 access that is only offered to my private coaching clients. If you want to know more about that, click here.
Q9. What kind of industries does this work for?
Any industry you can possibly think of. Online offers are the lifeblood of every business that’s on the internet, and gone are the days when creating and selling online was restricted to a small number of industries. Whether you’re in the health and nutrition industry or you into art & literature, whether you’ve experience in the education sector or you’ve got some ah-mazing household tricks up your sleeves, this will work for ANY industry.
When you join ACTIVATE, you won’t just be increasing your income by getting the right education, you’ll also be increasing your impact by educating girls in Senegal.

Yes! You read that right. A portion of your payment will be donated to charity so more and more girls can become empowered.

I’ve been living in Senegal and have firsthand experience of the problems, challenges and struggles of people living there.

I’m so glad that my students & clients help me give back by investing in my courses & programs. Thank you for your trust in me!

This site is not a part of the Facebook Website

Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way.

DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures stated above or in the training are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I'm not implying you will achieve these figures, or even create any earnings for yourself. I have been doing this for the past 3 years, and through hard work, I have achieved these results. The average person who purchases "how to" courses or information gets little results or even zero results. I am using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many deciding factors, such as (but not limited to), your background, experience, and commitment. All businesses entail risk as well as huge effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS TRAINING. At the end of the training, I will be making an offer for people who want to work more closely with myself and my team to get help with creating, scaling & implementing what I will teach you on this training. This, however, is completely optional. The training will last around 20 minutes over the course of 5 days and if you decide that you don't want to work more closely with me, you can leave and you won't be committed to buying anything. Although the option to work with me is present, this training will give you all of the information & tools for you to take action and create this for yourself.
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